mice control

Pest control of mice in cold winter weather – Keep them outside!
Homeowners should have enough knowledge about pest control of mice to prevent infestation in their homes. Learn to identify them – what they look like, where they build their nests, and how to get rid of them. There are essentially three species of mice in the Springfield, Missouri, area that...

Fall Pest Control – When Pest Move Indoors!
The time for fall pest control is here. While we may welcome the seasonal changes that bring cooler temperatures and less humidity, it also means that bugs and rodents and some other types of pests are more abundant. They have had all spring and summer to grow, and now will...

Mice Control During Colder Months
It is the perfect time of year for the people who love seeing the Autumn leaves turning. The temperatures have been uncharacteristically high in the past few weeks, but recently we've seen a drop. With the change in weather here in Springfield, Missouri, unexpected guests may be finding themselves on your...